Saturday, October 1, 2011

Adam Levin Band Name Change So Marron 5

Adam Levin Band Name Change So Marron 5 - There was something odd about Trending Topic Twitter today. If you look, there 'Marron 5' in there. Most likely the question is Maroon 5, but that makes it attractive precisely because of this wrong spelling so Trending Topic. Intentional not ya? Hopefully, Adam Levine not checking Twitter today.

Why 'Marron 5' so Trending Topic? Looks like Maroon 5 appearance at Rock in Rio with Coldplay on Saturday, October 1 yesterday that caused mass hysteria. A few hours ago of a Twitter user tries Trending Topic started and it seemed he was wrong to write the name of the band Adam Levine is a 'Marron 5'.

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@ LouBrutus who was annoyed with these misspellings could write, "Maroon 5 = A Band. Marron 5 = A Misspelling. Moron 5 = The People Doing the Misspelling." Meanwhile, @ Trendeh which seems also 'concerned' writes, "Marron 5 is trending, somewhere in the world Adam Levine is crying."

Adam Levine himself seems to have realized that his band's name has just changed to 'Marron 5'. Fronted band from California was last nge-tweet last September 30 when he was in Brazil. It was unclear whether the current Adam, James Valentine, Jesse Carmichael, Michael Madden and
Matt Flynn is still there or had to fly to another place.Adam Levin Band Name Change So Marron 5.

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