Friday, December 23, 2011

Prince Harry - Chelsy Davy Reconnect

Prince Harry - Chelsy Davy Reconnect- Previously, it was rumored that Prince Harry and Florence Brudenell-Bruce will be back in a relationship Harry on his return from America. But this time, the news seems to be doubted, because Harry actually visiting another ex-girlfriend!

As reported by Splashnews, Harry Chelsy Davy is known to leave home on Wednesday (21/12) at midnight. When 27-year-old British prince appeared to slip out of flats known is the abode of a woman who works as a lawyer.


Due to these facts, speculation emerged. Instead of returning to Florence, Harry probably would revert to a former boyfriend broke up nyambungnya it. The reason, some time ago the two reportedly met again at a Christmas concert held in the city of London.

The couple own Harry and Chelsy reportedly ended the relationship about 18 months ago. Harry's decision to end the relationship with Chelsy and start a new relationship with a lingerie model named Florence Brudenell-Bruce was disappointing liver Chelsy. Harry and Florence was finally broken up in August last.
Prince Harry - Chelsy Davy Reconnect.

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